Sunday, May 16, 2010

Amusing Love Facts | Unusual Love Information |

The love (the latin, love,-oris) is a universal concept regards the affinity between beings, defined according to the different ways you ideologías diverse points of view, and (scientific, philosophical, religious, artistic). Be interpreted as a Habitualmente feelings related with the emotional and the attachment, and resultante and producer of a series of emotions, Experiences and attitudes. With the term frequency with the ASOC is romantic love. Diversity of uses and its significados, combined with the feelings of Complejidad involved in each case, the love that makes sea especially difficult to define in a way CONSISTENT. The Associated emotions can be extremely poderosas to love, to be irresistible Arriving with frequency. With all the interpersonal love is considered healthy or "true" when is constructive for the personality, which is essential for him having a good self-esteem.

As abstract concepts, love is normally considered an DEEP feelings and concerns of ineffable Cariñosa by another person, animal or thing. Even this limited conception love, no obstante, covers a couple of full sentimientos different from DESIRE pasional and intimacy of romantic love to the proximity of asexual emotional and familial love, platonic love, and to the deep unity of DEVOTIONAL religioso. of love in the latter grounds, the feelings and trasciende happens to be the manifestations of a state of soul or conscience in some religions identified with same God. Love in its diverse ways you act as facilitator of the important relationships and, due to its central psychological importance, is one of the most frequented topics creativas in the arts (music, cinema, literature). From the standpoint of biology, seems to be related with the survival of species and individuals, according to few, not deprivation of the human species, can also introduce you and other animals capable of introducing emotional Nexus.

Expressions of Love

In the relations of the person with your heart, love can submit one or more of one of the Diary / demonstrations:
Autopersonal Love: Love's own self-esteem or love is the same one direction. Positivo is something essential for development and for the good personal relationships. It is based on the acceptance of the virtues and defectos propios these perceptions and the measure at its fair. You should not confundirse with the narcisismo that conlleva egocentrismo suele exist and that as the consequences of self-esteem and with baja. Vulgarmente frequently misunderstood is the concept of the self referirse narcisismo the pathological as "Too high esteem" or "Demasiado amor propio. The self-esteem is necessary for the requirements that existed in any of its real love manifestaciones.
Unconditional Love: This is what sin Profesa expect nothing in exchange. The spiritual love, preached by the different religions, is the unconditional love for par excellence. The motherly love, or love of mother to son, also recognizing this as a kind of love; the latter, by tradition, is considered a strong motivation for instincts that makes it especially intense no obstante, hay quien also questioning the existence de dicha instinto.
Filial love: between parents and sons (and, of expanse, and between descendientes ancestros).
Brotherly love: In its strictest-way, it affects the brothers, though can extenderse parientes exceptuados to other parents and descendientes them. NACE deep feelings of gratitude and the recognition of the family, and emotions will fear EXPRESS apuntan to coexistence, collaboration and the identifications of the subject inside a structure of kinship. It makes the filial love, and from their point of view of psychoanalysis, the fraternal sublimate it, since it is founded on the proscriptions of incest.
Amistad: Close to brotherly love, which is a NACE feelings of human beings NEED to socialize them. The NACE prójimo love to turn the use of the faculty of the mind of empatizar and tolerate, and constitutes the abstractions of the Amistad. For Erich Fromm, equivale prójimo Such a love for the brotherly love and love to preach the Bible both by the phrase "as to prójimo'll love yourself"

Platonic love: With property is a philosophical concept that consists of the elevation of the manifestations of an idea until his contemplations, which varies from the appearance of beauty and pure until Adecuacion desinteresado of its essence. For Plato, the true love of wisdom that NACE is saying, the conocimiento.Vulgarmente, is known as a form of love that there is a sexual element or this is da way of mental and imaginative idealística or not fitness.

Love the animals and at the plants: protective feelings of NACE.

Love towards something inanimate or abstract: In a physical object in an idea, a goal in the nation (Patriotism), the birthplace, the honor, independence (integridad). Platonic love can considerarse Way at its philosophical.

Love towards God or a deidad (DEVOTIONAL): Nacer Suele of Education welcomed since childhood. Sees God as the source of all love and is based on faith. In most of cases, be considered after the Death of God in some way to reward the people that I consider the corresponding virtuous religion.

Universal love: spiritual love, according to different religions, all the people can get to feel for the environment and that the major místicos experimentan as nirvana, ecstasy or enlightenment, demonstrations sublime in which he or eclipsan confluyen the rest of the demonstrations. Eckhart Tolle sostiene that love, like state still, Still is very rare and scarce, so scarce as to be a humano consciente.

Perspectives on Love

Vista Popular

El amor suele representarse frecuentemente with a well-known and distinctive red heart.
Habitualmente ASOC is the term with romantic love, a relationship between two people with pasional a very important influence in their interpersonal relationships and sexual mutuas. However, it also applies to relate different otras, such as love or platonic love family, and, in most large-way, to speak of love to God, humanity, nature, the art or beauty, which suele asociarse with the empathy and other capacity. In most cases it means a great affect them for something that causes pleasure or happiness that love. Above all in the western world, suele be verified avoided or counteracted by the hate, selfishness or disdained.
Popularmente, love is considered a real feelings. In these cases the most common source is a thrill-based attraction and the subject of praise towards another, which may or may not be correspondido. This reflection enhances the relationships between both subjects that partiendo of its own shortcomings, and wishing the meeting with union Anyone who was Court for its complement to its existence.
The people apply the concept of love in a intuitive way to and from other animals (normally in the upcoming evolutionary scale Signore interpretable as shown, or intelligence) and towards other beings as the plants vivos

Artistic Perspective
Spiritual perspective
In the monotheistic religious culture, love and be suele mencionarse apoyado fear God, as is the case of Islam, and the Jewishness cristianismo. PRESENTATION TO people whose love is or is supone which is close to universal love, or God, Barack Obama Myth number of saints. Both the budismo cristianismo as in the Islam, Hinduism or Jewishness representarse floor with a halo around his head. The Buddhas are particularly aureolas additional all around your body.

Sculpture similar to the pop art sculpture by Robert Indiana LOVE () Supersedes that the word "love" by ahava, the Israel Museum.
In Hebrew, ahava comúnmente is the term used so much more for interpersonal love as love for God.
The Jewishness employs a wide definition of love, both between people as human beings and between them the deidad. Respect to the first case, the Torah itself says: "He loves you as prójimo to yourself" (Leviticus :). Respect to the second, for the human beings are at the Manda loving God "with all the heart, with all your soul and with all FORCES" (Deuteronomio :), taken from the Mishná (a central text of Jewish oral tradition ) for referirse to the good acts, sacrifice for the good life in Will spot quote ciertas transgresiones gravel, the good Will sacrifice for all the possession, and the gratitude to the Lord despite the adversidad (Treaty of bərākhāh :) . Rabbinic literature is different from the above in this love How can desarrollarse: for example, both by the contemplation of the Real divinos or observations of the wonders of nature.
In the love between him concerniente PARTNERS OF matrimonio, it will ingrediente is considered an essential of life: "Look at life with the wife to love" (Ecclesiastes :). The Book biblical Song of Songs is considered a romantic metaphor of love between God and his village, but in its literal reading, shows up as a Song of Love.
The Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler twentieth century frecuentemente is cited as defining love from the Jewish point of view of "sin dar expect nothing in exchange" (Michtav me-Eliyahu, Vol. ).

The Virgin and her son, Isaac Oliver (f. ). Discovered the Virgin and her son representados trait with Europeans and with the aura of saints.
In cristianismo UNDERSTAND that love is proviene de Dios. The love of man and woman, eros and the love-in griego desinteresado by all other (agape) love is contrastan often to look as "Ascending" and "Descending", respectively, although in a last instance are routed cosa.
There are several griegas Words for "love" to be used with frequency in ámbitos Christians.
Agape: The New Testaments, is agape charitable desinteresado, unselfish and unconditional. It is the love of parents, seen as the creator of the well in the world, is the way in which it comes to loving God to humanity, and is the kind of love that Christians aspire to having them for their semejantes.
Phileo: USED also in the New Testament is a human Answer FOUND something that is very nice. Also known as brotherly love.
Words eros (sexual love) and Storge (love between parents and sons) usaron never be in the New Testament.
The Christians believe that to love God with all your heart, mind and Fuerza (about all the things) and love to prójimo same as one in two are the most important things in life (the largest mandamiento the Torah of the Jews, according Jesus), St. Augustine to summarize this pensamiento Escribir "loves Dios, HAZ and whatever you need.
The Apostle Paul glorified love as the greatest of the virtues. Describing the famous poem to the First Epistle corintios, wrote:
"The love sufrido is Benigno; has not envy a violent love, love is not boastful, not envanece; indebido no hare nada, it does not seek yours, is not easily angered, it keeps anger; not enjoys the injustice, enjoys more is the truth. Todo lo sufre, all you think, everything you expect, everything supports.
Corintios :-.
In the First Epistle of John, Capítulo , is Dice:
"Amémonos about them to the other, since it is the love of God, and all that love, God is a product of, and familiar to God, whoever does not love has not known to God."
John :-.
The Apostle St. John also wrote:
"Because both the world that love God who gave his Son only begotten, for all that you created in the not perish, but have eternal life and logistics.
John :-.
St. Augustine should be told that one of descifrar CAPAZ be the difference between love and sex El Deseo. Also told that the only thing that can love God is real and plenamente it because the love between human beings as permitted by appearances defectos los celos, la desconfianza, the fear, anger and dispute.
Benedict XVI escribió his first encyclical with the title "God is love." It expresses that being human, and semejanza created image of God, that Love is CAPAZ practice the love of God and others in bash (agape) and acceptable and experience the love of God in Contemplations (eros ). This love of life, according to the priest, as Santos is the life of Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary and Bienaventurada is the direction which must be Christians when they take them that God created the ama.
The homosexualidad DENIED is fully by the Catholic Church today. According affords polémicas pronunciadas statements in December by Pope Benedict XVI, "constitutes a threat to humanity the Grave de los sexos confusion '.
Islam and other Arabs creencias
En cierto sentido, love embraces the Vision an Islamic life as universal brotherhood which applies to every faith that mantienen. Nonexistent Directas testimonials that claim that God is love, but the numbers between God (Allah), there is Al-Wadud number, or the 'Amante', which is located in the Azor Azor : and : . Se refiere a Dios as "full of loving kindness." All Tengan faith that will take the love of God, although he welcomed the stands and the love to get them DEPENDS Updated puts the individual in himself.
Ishq, or divine love, is the main theme sufismo. Sufis believe that love is the essence of designing a Dios on the universe. God wish reconocer the beauty of that mode, when, for example, someone is looking in a mirror, it is whoever God "looks" at himself inside the dynamics of nature. Now that everything is a dystrophy of God, the school's practices sufismo see the beauty inside the fealdad aparente. The sufismo refiere is often to look without waiting as the religion of love. God shows up in three Terms, which are the lover, the Beloved and Love, find the latest pudiéndose of these Terms frecuentemente in Sufi poetry. A common views is that, through love, humanity can go back to its inherent purity and grace. Los Santos sufistas tristemente are famous for being "borrachos" due to its divine love, so therefore is the constant reference to wine in Sufi poetry and music.
The homosexualidad is punishable by law by the countries in Islamics, Coming to exist in few life imprisonment and even death penalty for those homosexuals.

Gautama Buddha painted on rock in Tibet. They appreciate the aureolas around your head and your body.
In budismo, kama love is sensual, sexual. It is a obstáculo on the way to enlightenment, since it constitutes selfishness.
Karuna is COMPASSION and mercy, and reduce the sufrimiento de otros. Complementario is necessary for the wisdom and enlightenment.
Adveṣa metti and his love benevolente. This love is unconditional and requires a considerable autoaceptación. It's quite different in love ordinario, which is normally based on the attachment that raramente y el sexo y no ocurre own interest. In its place, this love is the refiere desprendimiento and the absence of beneficial interests in egoístas of the remainder.
From the point of view budismo, love the "pure" proviene a state of spiritual purity that human beings can get them both by the release of the disturbing emotions Calls (Tenth and attachment, hate and anger, ignorance, pride, envy a violent) , inherent in the material world or Samsara. Both by the COMPASSION, desapego of the material world, and the meditation, can aumentarse paulatinamente capacity of the operation of all the chakras, including the heart chakra in such a way that love is possible and eliminate conscientemente sufrimiento love to associate reaches up ordinario the caller state lighting, which still exists in the unconditional love towards all beings sintientes, comparable to that for example, can hear a mother for her son. According to this POINT Thinking of the United maintains love all the things, and our own consciousness creates the universe. Budismo Centre, all the religions are válidas if Bashan and spiritual love in the compasión.
The Bodhisattva ideal in Mahayana budismo implies the complete renunciation with the same one to bear the load of object in a world of sufrimiento. The major reasons that one has to take the path of the Bodhisattva is the idea of Salvation which still exists inside the lack of selfishness and altruistic love for all beings sintientes.

The seven chakras. The bathroom, Beginning arrives, it's the heart.
In Hinduism, Kama is enjoyable love, sex, personified by the God Kāmadeva. Hinduistas For many schools, is the third final (Artha) of life. Menudo is Kāmadeva sosteniendo represents an arc of Sugar Cane and an arrow of flowers, and sometimes mounted on a large parrot. It is normally accompanied by his consort, and his colleague Vasant Ratio, Lord of the spring. Imágenes grabadas can wonder in stone ratio and Kaam door chennin Keshava temple in Computalog in Karnataka, India. Maar is another number for Kama.
In contrast with Kama click or click-to-high refiere al amor. Karuna is the COMPASSION and mercy, prompting one to Reducing the sufrimiento de otros. Bhakti is a Sanskrit term meaning 'loving DEVOTIONAL toward the Supreme God. " A person who practices bhakti is known as Bhakta. Writers, teólogos downes and Hindus have nine different ways you Bhakti, which can Bhagavatha be found in the in-Purana and works of Tulsidas. The philosophical work Narada Bhakti Sutras, author of Unknown (presumiblemente Narada) distinguishes eleven ways you love.
Eastern philosophy presents an approach to spiritual love different in the West: The sufrimiento in himself is not what makes us virtuous, it is a middle reaches to the virtue in such a way that approaching nirvana or enlightenment implies EESC and the gradual increase of the sufrimiento del Gozo. As in the cristianismo, the sufrimiento is a cathartic (or via the expiación) conduce to state that we lit (or at cristianismo Dios). However, for Concepcion Eastern worry about would achieve an objective way of an additional sufrimiento (the attachment and ignorance) of our way to limit deberíamos sufrimiento sufrimiento No worrying by the own-including the meta-tenth achieve. In Words of Osho
Love is something easy, something I hate is easy, but you Choose. Dice: "I will only love, I shall not hate." Todo vuelve well be difficult. ¡Así not even places you love! Inspiring easy, easy expire. But you Choose. Dice: "Only going to inspire, I shall not expire. In this way everything is vuelve difficult. The mind can say: 'So that expire? The breath is life. Simple arithmetic: inspiring, not to expel air once more the Invitation vivo. Acumularás later life. TENDRAS large reserves of life. Only inspires, it turns WHY expire will die. " [...] The inspiration is love, hate the loop. What do you do then you? Life is easy if you do not decide it because then you know that inspire and expire two things are not opuestas; are two parts of a same procedure. And yet both parties are Organicas, I can not divide. ¿Y coils if ...? The logic is wrong. Not vivirás; sencillamente, you die immediately.
Osho, The Book of Nada.
Psychological perspective

Noonday Heat ("midday heat," ). Paintings of Henry Scott Tuke.
Love is a mental state or organic Swamp decrece also depends HOW IS THAT retroalimente feelings in relationships that make them the nuclear Amoroso. The feedback DEPENDS factors such as the behavior of the person beloved, atributos involuntarios their particular needs or the person who loves (Tenth sexual necesidad de compañía, Will inconsciente of social ascent, aspirations constant of completeness, etc.).
Following the research conducted efectuadas About Love, Robert J. Sternberg propuso the existence of three components:
The intimacy, such as those entendida sentimientos inside a relationship that Promote the Approach, the linker and the terminal.
The Passion, as intense state of union with the other tenth, as expression of wishes and needs.
Commitment or the decision, the decision of another person and love to keep it by the Commitment ese amor.
These three components can relacionarse formando each other different ways you love, intimacy and passion, Passion and Commitment, Commitment and privacy, etc..
For its part, the preeminence of a analizando u otra de estas distintas priorities that Motivans Related loving them, some authors such as John Lee proponent of a series arquetipos amatorios: Ludus, Storge, eros, agape, pragma and mania.

The enlèvement of Psyche ("The Rapto of Psyche," ), paintings of William-Adolphe Bouguereau in which kidnapped by Psyche Cupid shows up.
For Erich Fromm, love is an art and, as such, a voluntary actions that emprende Aprende y is not a passion that is imposing against the Will of whoever vive. Love is, well, decision, choice and attitude. According to Fromm, the majority of people identify with a feeling placiente love. Considers, in exchange, which is an art, and that in the consequences, and puts Adecuacion required. From your point of view, the majority of people in the CAE error not Nothing to learning about love, motivados, inter alia, by considering that the main objective is not to be beloved, and loving way of arriving at that superficial evaluate aspects such as the success, power or attractive causan confusion during the initial stage of pretendido enamoramiento but leave that be when those people leave influyentes be desconocidas pierde and is the magic of the mystery initial.

Le Sommeil ("The Dream", ). Lienz oil on Gustave Courbet.
Spikes as well, I recommend the above proceed the same way that love for him haríamos Learn any other art, like music, painting, carpentry or medicine. Y distinguishes, as in all learning procedure of two parts, one theoretical and another práctica.
There are polarizaciones extremas of the Mind manifestando desmedido love without thinking about the limits of one very, panels with even reach you put in your own DANGER or even the existence of another person by being a state experimentando polarizado of Obsesión. In this case, what love, wish and yearn for the good and happiness of being beloved, and it makes all of the things from above. Receive DAR sin in exchange, the sacrifice and the needs of anteponer to top of Amado was one of the same, that no one consider it as sacrificio but as an opportunity to spread around the feelings, suele considerarse a prelude to desequilibrio emotional, because the person object in our Obsesión does not have to respond to it as habíamos deliberate; can not agradeceria our exigirnos and puts even more. No obstante, algunos esa mislead polarización extreme love with "real" or "healthy", and expecting another person of the same behavior, said panels with extreme frustration and, as exit Alerts frustrations, violence. For obvious hits them in the news Every day, observamos Creciente a tendency to violence in kind, in which the current Psicologos apuntan to this pathology of Obsesión polarizada as principal of these desencadenante Conflict.
Philosophical perspective
If the attitude of love must be part, at some point, the description that they are the Trends of experimental science, you need to definirse so that you may be observed and con cierto cuantificada precision. Baruch Spinoza estableció a definition that can block them with requerimientos de las ciencias humanas y sociales. Escribió to respect: "What you imagine the joy and love affected by tristeza, also will be affected for joy or tristeza; and one of these and other afectos bigger or smaller will be the lover, according to one and other bigger or smaller in the sea Loved it ".
The definition of Spinoza, which implies the attitude of love and sharing alegrías tristezas of other people, not difiere esencialmente the biblical definition of love, ya mandamiento suggests that "the share of all other tristezas alegrías and as if fuesen OWN» , so the "you'll love to prójimo as yourself."
Not only this definition is to refiere aspects observable and verifiable with the reality, but also introduces aspects cuantificables, since it indicates that they will be bigger or lesser extent COMPARTIDOS them afectos, bigger or smaller while Sean Joy tristeza or associate the person beloved.
Extract the definition mentioned Spinoza Opinion inmediatas some, such as Los sentimientos that surges toward a third. According to their OWN Words: "If someone imaginamos affects the happiness which amamos, POLLUTION seremos of love towards him. If imaginamos, the fear not, that affects tristeza, seremos, fear the opposite, also of hate against POLLUTION '.
Observamos in this expression, I hate that attitude shows up as an opposite to love, like a tendency to exchanging (the Third Named respect of) the papers as afectos COMPARTIDOS tristeza y alegría.
For Leibniz, happiness is the man to be perfect, that it understood them, and ESA on the need happiness lies in love. The love of God, according to the Philosopher, it must be with tenderness, and burning should be combined with having the light. Spikes as well, perfect, the human love consists of bright, in a love that combines tenderness with the razón.
Biological perspective

Cachorros of dog in "loving attitude.
The concept of love is not a technical CONCEPT biology but a concept of which is polysemic lenguaje ordinario (significados has many), so which is difficult in explicarlo Biological Terms. However, from the standpoint of biology, what is called love at times seems to be a medium for individuals and the survival of the species. If survival is the most important biological end, it is logical that the human species will confiera love to a very high-way and trascendente (which contributes to the survival).
However, the majority of the animal species apparently exist expressions of what it calls "love" that are not directly relacionadas with survival. Silage relations with individuals of the same sex (equivalent to the homosexualidad Ser Humano) and the sexual pleasure, for example, are not exclusive of the human species, and he also observan altruistas behaviors from resident individuals of a species towards Other species of them (milenarias relations between his dog and the human world was an example). Some biologists to explain legislation at tratan BEHAVIORS Terms for Cooperation in the survival or Conductas significativas somewhat exceptional. From the years psiquiatras, antropólogos, and biologists (as Donatella Marazziti or Helen Fisher) have FOUND important correlations between the level of hormonas as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, and the Member amorous (sexual attraction, love, and stable enamoramiento) .

Visión general simplistic base chemistry of love.
The neurobiology avanzando is a tripartite definition of love, in that three processes diferenciarían Brain achievements recognized, but interconectados, and every one of them hormonally regulated:
The Impulso indiscriminate sex and sexual excitements bleachers of the search for spouse, regulated by testosterone and undetectable in the cortex neurológicamente cingulado previous duration of glance.
The selective sexual attraction, love or passion enamoramiento; regulated by dopamine in the cerebral pleasure circuitos; unusually prolongation front and to other species (up to months.)
The affection or attachment, Lazo affective enabling long-duration between the continuidad del Vínculo pareja, regulated by oxytocin and vasopressin, which also afectan the brain circuits of pleasure, its duration is indefinite (can prolongarse whole life).
Apart from serotonin and oxytocin, another substance in the brain Libera enamoramiento state of the phenylethylamine that acts on the limbic system and the causes and Sensaciones sentimientos enamoramiento in common, besides that is a precursor of dopamine, which is why also is found in large full. You can find in the Food such as chocolate and cheese fermentados. A small chemical modification that can make it transform into a stimulating (Amphetamine and methylphenidate) or an antidepressant (and the bupropion venlafaxine).
The balance of these three processes controls the reproductive biology of many other species, so to think that its evolutionary origin is common. Ethology interprets that love evolves from Human apareamiento ritual, or the courting of mammals (despliegue of power, harassment and Protection obsesiva posesiva agresividad toward the spouse and the potential rivals) .
Los modelos BIOLOGICAL the sex shop to see the love of them as a Impulso mammals, such as hunger or sed. Helen Fisher, a world expert on this subject, divide the experience of love in three disintegration parcialmente superpuestas: lujuria, attractions , and attachment. The lujuria exposed to the people towards the rest, the romantic attraction encourages the people to focus their energy on apareamiento; and tolerance involves the attachment of the spouse (or de los hijos) during a time enough to raise the offspring as to fear that this can simply valerse himself.
The sex is the tenth lujuria pasional promueve the initial apareamiento, and involves an increase of the release of substances such as testosterone Químicas, and the estrogen. These will be effective raramente Few more weeks and months of breathtaking. The interpersonal attraction is a tenth for a more individualized and romantic apareamiento for specific leads, develops that is separate to a lujuria as feelings of responsibility towards the spouse. Recent studies in neuroscience have indicated above that are tailored to the people fall in love, secret in the brain crecientes full Químicas a series of substances, including feromonas, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, which actúan similar to the anfetaminas, the center of estimulando brain's pleasure to be effective and llevando collateral such as the increase of cardiac rhythm, Lost in appetite and sleep, and an intense feeling of excitations. The investigations have indicated above that this period terminates at Cape generalmente a year and three middle años.
Now that the disintegration of attraction and lujuria off both are considered temporary, it is mandatory for introducing a third stage in Long-Term Relationships. The attachment is linked to promueve relationships take many years or even decades. Responsibility is based on generalmente such as the double and the sons, or in mutual friendship based on aspects such as the interests COMPARTIDOS. Has-related standards of the oxytocin and vasopressin Químicas substances to a level that presents the greatest relationships in short plazo.
The protein molecule known as nerve Growth Factor (NGF) has elevados level when the people will fall in love for the first time, Although it is vuelve its previos level of the Cape año.
Materialist perspective
On meramente materialistic point of view, love is considered as a set of behaviors and attitudes involuntarios [citation needed] and desinteresados DECLARE that beings capable of development in emotional intelligence or emocionalidad. Cabe highlight the use of the current word to designate both love the spiritual love as the own-both by the acto sexual expression "make love". Until the mid twentieth century, estaba esa expression reserved for courtship.
Different views of historic and cultural

If love is founded on the well capacity and needs biológicas well as pleasure and the sexual instincts of reproductions, also has a cultural history. At times is attributing his inventions in a particular tradition (in Sufis, at the Troubadour, cristianismo, the Romantic Movement, etc.), but the archaeological vestiges of all the civilizations the existence of confirman affect toward their relatives, the spouse, children, the fellow countrymen, among others, whence the interpretations postulan that love is generally a specific cultural constructions fundadas apparently not.
From the cultural point of view, the rally has been históricamente sexual love towards the people of the opposite sex as towards the same sex PRESENTATION TO. For the Greeks and during the Renaissance, the ideal of beauty Eran encarnados particularly by the woman and for the male sex of teenagers.
The Spanish word "love" can have multiple significados, although relacionados, achievements recognized each other depending on the context. A small, They use different languages other Words to express some of the variados conceptos. The differentials Conceptualizing cultural facilities make love even more difficult universal. introducing a definition in the Mayan culture did not exist with the word love for children. There is no word in Piedmont amor.
Persian Culture
Even after all this time
The Sun Never Dice the Earth 'is in debt with me. "
¡Observe what ocurre con ese as a Love!
Ilumina-all on Sky.
Rumi, Hafez and Sa'di are icons of the passion and the love of culture and the persas lenguaje. The Persian word for love eshgh, deriving from the Arabic ishq. In Persian culture, everything is abarcado for all the love and fear is love, love them Starting with the friends and to the families, wives and maridos them, and the Coming eventualmente divine love which constitutes the final goal of life. Hare roughly seven centuries, Sa'di wrote:
The sons of Adam are a Miembros de cuerpo
Having been creators of one essence.
When the calamidad of time afflicts one member
Others members may not continue his break.
If you do not have COMPASSION for the PROBLEMS of other
Not worth being called by the number of "man."
China culture and other cultures sínicas

The character of Chinatown for love (爱) consists of a heart (on average) inside 'accept', 'feel' or 'percibir "which shows a thrill full of grace.
In the language and culture chino contemporary china, is several Usan Terms or Words for Raiza concept of love:
Ai (爱) to use as a verb (p. ej., Wo ai ni, "I love you") or as many, especially in aiqing (爱情), "love" or "romance." In mainland China, and since , AIREN (爱人, originally "lover," or, more literally, "love person") is the dominante word for "wife" (HAVING BEEN Terms desenfatizados originally separate them for "wife" and "husband"), the word once tuvo a negative connotation, which remains among other places in Taiwan.
Lian (恋) generalmente no se usa so Isolated but as part of Terms such as "being Enamorado" (谈恋爱, so that also Contiene lian'ai-ai), "lover" (恋人, lianren) u 'homosexualidad » (同性恋, tongxinglian). In confucianismo, Lian is a love and virtuous benevolente They should find that all human beings, and reflects a moral life. The Philosopher chino Mozia development the concept of ai (爱) as a reaction to Confucian lian. Alas, the Mohism is a universal love towards all beings, not just towards the friends or family, without consideration of reciprocidad. The extravagance and offensive war are hostile towards AI. Although the thought of Mozia tuvo influence, the term Confucian lian is what the majority of the China International Centre Usan love.
Qing (情), which means comúnmente "feelings" or "thrill", generalmente indicates "love" in several Terms. Content is the word aiqing (爱情). Qingren (情人) is a term with the USED signified of 'lover'.
Gănqíng (感情) is the "feelings" of relationships, vagamente similar to empathy. A person expresará love construyendo gănqíng good, for half conseguido Help prestados or work in other people and emotional attachment toward another person or another towards any thing.
Yuanfen (缘份) is the connection destinations vinculados. Generalmente a significant relationship is conceived as a safe-dependent yuanfen. Good Luck consists of the time and make a lucky Discovery unexpected. Conceptos are similar in Spanish: "Were one for the countless other 'or' destination '.
Zaolian (Beginners 早恋, traditional 早恋, pinyin: zǎoliàn), literally, "early love," is a term for contemporary USED frecuentemente los sentimientos or romantic attachment between children and adolescents. Both describe the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend as the teenagers enamoramiento of adolescence or early NAWAZ. The concept indicates the belief in essence prevalente culture in contemporary China CONSISTENT that, due to demand studios (all derived on the educativo skilled and competitive system of China), Young and not so romantic attachment crean both lay IN DANGER its opportunities for future success. They Aparecida newspapers and other comments in the media that China International detallan prevalence phenomena observadore Hazards in the students and the fears of parents.
Japanese Culture
The Japanese budismo, ai (爱) is a sweetheart pasional love, and a tenth fundamental. You can desarrollarse towards selfishness or Altruism and towards enlightenment.
Amae (甘え), a Japanese word meaning "indulgente dependence," is part of the culture of education of the sons in Japan. Mother is expected to embrace and japonesas to pamper their children, and is waiting to reward them for their sons clinging to her Mother and sirviéndolas. Some have sociólogos sugerido that the social interactions of the Japanese in adult life is in amae modelan between mother and son.
Hellenic Culture
Griego The language distinguishes several different senses that uses the word "love." For example, the former presents griego Words Philia, Eros, and Xenia Storge. However, with the griego (as with many other languages) has been difficult to separate completely the históricamente significados Words of yet. At the same time, the text in the Bible Old griego Contiene ejemplos Agapi with the same verb that meant phileo.
Agape (agape ἀγάπη) means love in current griego. S'agapo The term means "love you" from Grieg. Agapi The word is the verb "love." Generalmente refiere is a kind of ideal love 'pure', more than the physical attraction sugerida by eros. No obstante, hay algunos ejemplos de usados agape with eros of the signified. Should also be Translated as "love of soul."
Eros (Eros ἔρως) pasional is a love, with sensual and I wish a long time. The Hellenic Erotianus word means love. I think Plato its own definition. Although eros is initially for a person feels, it makes with the contemplation of the beauty that an assessment existe esa person inside, or even be bequeathed to the appreciation of the beauty in himself. Eros clever soul to remember the beauty of Knowledge and contributes to the understandings of spiritual truth. And the lovers are all downes-inspired search for the truth amid fear of eros. Algunas traducciones shown, as it "love del cuerpo.
Phil (phil φιλία) Virtuoso dispassionate love, was a concept developed by Aristotle. Includes the Loyalty to the friends, family and Community, and requires virtue, Equal, and familiaridad. Philia is motivated by Reasons Practice; off both parties will, or a beneficiary of the relationship. It can also mean "love of the Mind."
Storge (στοργή Storge) is a natural affect, Anyone feel like their parents fear their children.
Xenia (ξενία xenia), hospitality, was an extremely important practice in Ancient Greece. It was a friendship formed between a host almost ritualizada and its host, those who having been podían desconocidos previamente. Alimentaba the host and the guest accommodation proporcionaba, expecting reward for whoever is available only with gratitude. The importance of this love you see yourself through the whole of Hellenic mythology, particularly in the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer.
Reseña mythology about love: the Myth of Androgyny
In Hellenic mythology, three eran los sexos: it was a male principle descendiente sun; it female, on land, and what participaba of both of the moon. These three sexos, and his way of progressing, Eran, precisamente como la luna, circular. Well barbed, Eran and its terrible effect on her Fuerza y terian great arrogance to the point that attacked the gods. Above this situation, all other gods Zeus and deliberated, and encontraron ante is a dilemma, since it does not make or podían matarlos desaparecer su raza fulminándolos with the Lightning as a Giants-WHY desaparecerían then it honors them and that sacrificios tributaban the Men- or to allow it became one SIGUIER altaneros.
After much pensarlo, tuvo Zeus to end an idea and told: "I think that tengo a ploy to continue existiendo that these beings and leave them alone at the same time be insolent, paid upon the most vulnerable. Ahora mismo voy-to-read cortarlos two to each, and at the same time they will be well more weak and More Useful for us, to having his number aumentado. Well barbed, Zeus takes his cape to plan, and once the nature of these beings is Cut in two, each side Just start to sicken her half to meet with her and go round with their Brazoria, at one with the abrazarse so desire to be another one by nature. Since then, the other to love about them is innate in men and women and gathering of the old nature, and try to make a single individual of two. Is why, when that is true with tropiezan Half species, yes, a wonderful feel impacts of friendship, of love and affinity, so they are not willing to separarse.
El Banquete of Plato.
Turkish Culture (shamanic and Islamic)
In Turkish, the word "love" with several significados shows up. A person can love a God, a person, parent, or family. Pero esa person can only "love" (ask) a person of opposite sex. Los turcos usaban word is only for your love in a romantic or sexual way traffic, that a huge indicasen whimsy. This word also is common for the Turkish Lenguas, such as the Azeri (left) and the Kazakh (ғашық).
Ancient Rome (latin)

Agnolo Bronzino, Allegory of the Triumph of Venus towards -. London, the National Gallery. The representation by the two gods love accompanied by the "celos" (center-left), the "Hyde" (center right), the "foolishness" (reaches the left) and the "time" (get right) .
The Latin language has several different Verbos is correspondent with the Spanish word "love."
Amare is the basic word for 'love', and it is Still in Italian today. Los usaban both in the Roman Way Way affective as a romantic or sexual. From this verb derives dress lover, lover, 'professional lover', with the concept generalmente lujuria-accesories and friends, "bride", generalmente word used euphemistic way for a prostitute. The number is amount of love, which he also usaba in the plural form to indicate Adventures enredos love or sex. Amicus also produce the same Raiza - "friend" - and Amicitia, "Amistad" (so in general basados provecho mutual correspondientes at times and more exactly a "debt" or "influence"). Cicerones escribió a caller about the Friendship Treaty (De Amicitia) which discute cierto depth to the concept. Ovidio escribió a guide for relations amorosas called Ars Amatoria love that trafficking in depth from extramarital relations to overprotective parents.
Latin are sometimes usaba amare with SENSE in Spanish that give you a "taste". This notion, no obstante, he expresses so much more generalized with delectāre place or that are of most use coloquial, remains the ultimate in frecuentemente USED Catulo of love poetry.
Diligere to Menudo presents notions of "having fear affects", "estimate", and never will unless raramente usaba for romantic love. This word would be appropriate for describing the friendship of two men. The number amount, diligent, however, has meant for the "diligence" or "dedication" and has cierto semantic overlaps with the verb.
Observare is a synonymous diligere; this verb and its amount number, observant, often to look denotan "love" or "affects."
Caritas is corresponding with the Agape griego (Empathy, Altruism), and to use translations of the Bible in the Christian rock with the signified of 'charitable love', this meant, no obstante, no literature has been found in Classical pagan Roman. As result of the combination with the one word Griega, Verbo No such amount.
Cupiditas is corresponding with the term griego eros (sexual DESIRE).
Some vulgar terminologías en español, por ejemplo filito as stemming from daughter generate jerarquías seriedad or duration of the spouse.
Culture anglosaxon
In culture anglosaxon the word "love" (love) presents, as in Spanish, many significados. But to all those that exist in the world hispanohablante, the English-speaking goings signified an additional, more taste-related simply by a person, animal or thing: I love dancing (literally, "the dancing master ') corresponding to in spanish" I love to dance "or" me gusto mucho dance ', he's a great actor, I love him (literally, "is a great actor, you love') corresponding to" is a great actor, I love 'or' is a great actor, me gusto mucho.

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